“Fifty Shades Of Perception”
Oil Painting by Tammy Carmona
“Fifty Shades Of Perception” is an abstract oil painting on 48” x 60” canvas by Tammy Carmona. Available as original, prints, and NFT collection.
“Fifty Shades Of Perception” is an abstract oil painting on 48” x 60” canvas by Tammy Carmona. Available as original, prints, and NFT collection.
“The Wailing Wall” – oil painting with impasto enhancements & realistic greenery. This commissioned work depicts a Jewish man praying at the Wailing Wall, the last remnant of the Second Jewish Temple. This is the holiest site in Jewish faith, with over 1 millions prayers written and placed in the Wall.
“Serenade” – 3D Artwork by Tammy Carmona. Authentic violin, violin bows, preserved roses, and laser-cut acrylic notes come together in a symphony of meanings, colors, and textures. A multi-media feast for the eyes and the soul.
“Caged Reality” – a series of 3 mixed-media assemblages, with gold foil and acrylic laser-cut frames on a painted background. Representing self-imposed restrictions in pursuit of money and security.
“Breaking Free” – Original Oil Painting with 3D Metal Butterflies by Tammy Carmona. A very positive, colorful piece, that represents ideas taking flight and breaking free from the ground.
“All The Colors” is an abstract work symbolizing coexistence and tolerance. Against the background of black & white, each color shines on its own, but when they come together – they’re even more beautiful.
“Addiction” is a tribute to my daughter Malky, whose battle with prescription opioids came to an end in 2019.
“Chandelier I”, original painting by Tammy Carmona. Oil on canvas, 2021.
“Blue Water”, original painting by Tammy Carmona. Oil on canvas, 2021.
“Serenity At The Center Of Chaos”, semi-abstract colorful oil & gold leaf painting by Tammy Carmona.
“Colorways” is an abstract composition depicting three-dimensional curves of smoothly flowing colors, twisting and intersecting upon each other. The bottom part of the image features a dense, intertwined growth of the “vines”, gradually giving way to more sparse positions, while the background grows rougher and more textured. This painting represents several concepts. The variance of…
“Mother’s Love”, original oil painting by Tammy Carmona. Oil on canvas, 2021.
The UK flower blog Playing With Flowers wrote a review of the wedding scene from Twilight, which was designed by Tammy Carmona (formerly known as Tammy Polatsek).
“Israel-born master fruit carver and floral designer went all out for the ‘Twilight’ wedding scene and now makes dishes for celebs and regular folk.”
Tammy Carmona’s articles on Huffington Post.
Hollywood Reporter’s coverage of the wedding scene in “Twilight: Breaking Dawn”, designed by Tammy Carmona.
At the National Restaurant Association Centennial Show (2019), Tammy Carmona’s dishes caused quite an impression upon Guy Mitchell, former chef to 5 Presidents and the current leader of the White House Chef Tours.
Tammy Carmona with Oscar-winning actor Dustin Lance Black at the Oscars Pre-Party, for which Tammy created all the floral arrangements.
Naomi Clark with Tammy Carmona @ Pre-Oscars Party. Tammy designed the floral decorations for the entire party, and they became a favorite backdrop for many celebrities and actors to photograph in front of.